The Collaborative Spirit Behind Brian Eno’s Record Sleeve Designs

It was Brian Eno who invented the term ‘scenius,’ which counters the myth of the lone genius and credits the…
#Design + Ecology

A Design Studio “Rebranded” Carp. But Can a Fish Be a Brand?

Recently, the Illinois Department of National Resources asked branding studio Span to “rebrand” a fish. The new miracle species that…

Noah Baker on poster design and how he avoids getting “stuck in aesthetic holes”

For the New York-based designer, posters are an appealing medium because they have to communicate information: “They’re pieces of graphic design at their core, not art.”

Olimpia Zagnoli and Joshua Kissi on how to push your creativity further

The Italian illustrator and the LA-based photographer and director are our two most recent guests on the It’s Nice That Podcast. Each of them has taken a leap out of their creative comfort zone in the past year, and here, they share some learnings from the process.

From kerning to corners: Ten London design studios take part in a football tournament

Organised by the Office of Overview, The Studio Super Cup saw designers pick up their football boots and their custom shirts (of course).